osTicket Theme OSTIFRAME is the responsive theme for the osTicket client section. The theme is based on Bootstrap framework, is mobile friendly and comes with a professional interface. It supports every concerned device including mobiles, tablet, laptop etc. Just include you osticket on your website using iframe.
It is advisable to use the newest version of osTicket to be able to use the latest features. Core, v1.18.1, is the latest version but theme supported for all the versions of osTicket Core, v1.18.1, v1.18, v1.17.5, v1.17.4 etc. Please refer to the home page for all supported versions..
An excellently designed and the aesthetically appealing theme offers better usage experience and assurance.
Theme Installation:The purchased theme and the installation guide can be downloaded from the My Account section. In case you require, we can also install the theme for you, for a installation charge.
Theme Customization:In case you want the theme to be customized like your current website, you can Contact us here.
osTicket Customization:If you want us to modify the osTicket for your business, Contact Us here.